How to show data from Sqflite a dropdown in a flutter

How to show data from Sqflite a dropdown in a flutter

Hello developers, today I have selected a very important topic in flutter app development,


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The topic is – 

  • How to show data from Sqflite a dropdown in a flutter.
  • Drop Down with sqlite in a flutter.
  • Populating dropdown list in a database with flutter.
  • Dropdown dependency in a flutter.
  • Fetch and show data in the dropdown.
  • Change the drop-down value based on the parent dropdown in a flutter.

Dropdown List in a flutter

In this article, we will look into how to make a Drop-down Search and binding items in a database table with API implementation have used the HTTP framework to achieve this result of the API and data binding a dropdown and search the result of the given enter value on the search box in flutter and using the dart programming.

Have used this article in some facts. 

  1. I used dropdown dependency in a flutter.
  2. Create a database file in the flutter app.
  3. Create a table structure in Sqflite. 
  4. Create a list of all data in Sqflite. 
  5. Searching data in the dropdown.
  6. Bind the dropdown list in a flutter and the child dropdown list bind based on the parent dropdown.
  7. REST API implementation.
  8. Model class API responses structure.
  9. Country list dropdown in a flutter.
  10. State list dropdown in a flutter.
  11. Offline data use in a flutter.
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